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GreenPro Turf Program:

  •   Balanced Fertilizers

  •   Crabgrass Pre-emergents

  •   Broadleaf Weed Controls

  •   Above Surface Insect Controls


Balanced Fertilizers:

A balanced fertilizer consists of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen gives your lawn the color you desire while phosphorus and potassium provide the nutrients to build a strong root system.

Crabgrass Pre-emergent: 

Pre-emergent controls are most effective on annual grasses like crabgrass, foxtail, goose grass, and barnyard grass. Pre-emergent also have a fair control of annual broadleaf weeds (purslane, spurge, oxalis).

Broadleaf Weed Controls:

Weeds are competing with grasses for water, nutrients, and light. Weeds are aggressive and can take over lawns if not treated. Broadleaf weed control will help with unsightly weeds.

Above Surface Insect Controls:

Surface feeding insects can cause damage to turf do to lack of identification or improper cultural practices. 

Optional Services:

Fungus Control

Grub Preventatives

Grub Control

Dolomite Lime

Power Core Aeration

Nutsedge Control


Organic Treatments (fertizers, corn gluten, other)

Our Services

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